Tuesday, April 25, 2006


It's been a bit since I have written my last blog, but I do have an excuse! I am so sick. I have been to the doctors 2 times, and he still doesn't know what is wrong with me. My friends nephew had whooping cough though, and I think I may have gotten it from him. Maybe bronchitus? I don't know, but this better either kill me or go away real quick, because it is getting so old!
ooh ooh, I got a new bed, finally no more sleeping on a uncomfortable couch. I'm so happy about it! It's a queen size, so I have a tonn of room to myself! But I am used to sleeping on the couch, and I don't think I moved out of the one corner last night. :D It was nice though. I had a great sleep! I feel like a princess in such a big bed! I need to get a frame for it now. Maybe a sleigh bed?? mmmm...so many choices! Time to spoil myself!
I can't believe how nice it has been here lately! Yesterday it was up to 24 degrees! T-shirt weather! Hopefully we have a beautiful summer. Last summer really sucked, it was cold all summer. May last year was the warmest month! But this year I can feel it in my skin, its gonna get warm! Soon we'll all be going to Nunavit for Winter vacation to get away from the cold down south! Hahaha! Well I guess I should get back to work, as much as I hate work, I guess it's the only way to make money to pay bills eh!??

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