Saturday, October 14, 2006

Road Trip!

These are some pictures of our (Jade, Daniel, Addison, Tegan, Me, and we picked Dillon up!) trip to Edmonton, for a wedding. We left at 3:00 am and arrived in Edmonton at 5:00pm. Long trip? YES!! One flat tire later, which we aquired at 4:00 in the morning just outside of Pouce Coupe, which is about 10 mins from Dawson, and a stop to pick up Uncle Dillon, we finally arrived, all grumpy and tired! What a trip! Just to see them cut the cake! hahaha

Addison giving some love to Tegan while we were stopped due to a flat tire, at approx. 6:30 in the morning! They were so good!

Look at this HomeGirl!

Tegan looking mighty upset, for some reason, musta been some bad milk! :P

Addison giving Auntie Smiles!

It was great fun, although, I don't think I would want to do it again!

Congrats! Kevin & Ewa Sparling Sept 30, 2006

1 comment:

The Steckly's said...

wow, you got some nice pics of that day! Good job:) It's too bad my battery died...I have none of the wedding almost.
Hope you're having a great day!