Saturday, March 31, 2007


Alexa is too young to be getting teeth, is she not? But never the less, I believe her first tooth is fighting to push through. Notice her red cheeks and she is drooling excessively? Her bottom gum on the right side is very white in one spot as well. I believe those are signs of teeth. I don't think I am ready for her to have teeth though! Hopefully she doesn't turn out to be a biter! I am sure nursing mothers can all agree with that!! :P

She has also been trying so hard to roll over the past two days. I have been encouraging her by pushing her to her side and then letting her just fall the rest of the way, and she loves it. Now she rolls her head way back and kicks her leg over trying to do it as well. Usually she kicks the opposite leg to which way her head it tilted though, so she has a bit of coordination skills to work out yet! :P Silly girl!

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