Sunday, May 20, 2007

Fun Day Out

Today we went to Peace Island Park to play with the kids. We had tons of fun! We picked up Zachery's cousin Kolten and let them run buck wild! Here are a few picture commemerating the day out! I can't wait until Alexa can run with the boys!

Alexa checking out the grass for the first time in her life! She really loved it!

Alexa with mommy and a cool speed boat in the background

Zachery, Kolten, Me and Alexa

Zachery, cute kid eh!?

Alexa sleepin in the car, all worn out

Zachery and Kolten playing in the sand

Alexa with Daddy

Sitting all by herself!

Daddy and Zachery coming down the slide

Kolten trying to climb a slide

Zachery and Daddy sqeezing down the curvy slide

Playing around

Took the pic and he didn't even know! hehehe

Zachery running for the park

Kolten trying to climb the spider web

Looks like fun!

"You want me to JUMP???!!!"

Peek-a-boo! See Ya Later Aligators!


kimonchan said...

cute baby
welcome to my blog

Yvonne said...

Fun day:)

Anonymous said...

I see lexi got her new carseat. How is that working out? What kind is it? Glad you guys had fun today. ONLY $ MORE DAYS TILL YC YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAA!!! See you guys on wed.