Monday, July 16, 2007

Alexa's Milestones

Yesterday was an ordinary day, drove back to Tumbler after being in Fort St John visiting my man and his son, which turned out to be an extraordinary day! Alexa has reached yet another HUGE milestone in her ever changing beautiful life! She has gotten her first tooth! I was so excited when Dakota looked up and exclaimed "SHE JUST BIT ME!!" My first reaction of course, was "Well she is teething and she bites my chin and fingers all the time" , but Dakota then exclaimed "DID SHE HAVE A TOOTH WHEN SHE BIT YOU???" I was totally freakin out! So excited, so proud and almost in tears! My baby got her first tooth! It is just poking through, but it is none the less there. Yes it is. Alexa is so proud of it too, opens her mouth for me to feel it and observe it, and she is always poking at it too, wondering what this hard thing in her mouth is!? Oh the joys of being a mother! Watching and anticipating the next milestones in your childs life is the most exciting feeling I have ever felt!

I will post pictures of this awesomeness! I just have to get my camera hooked up to a computer! Til then! Stay fit and have fun! Body BREAK!


Yvonne said...

How exciting! Looking forward to some pictures:)

Yvonne said...

Hi Jael,
We got Kyra's kiddie pool at Toys 'R Us for $15. They had a couple of choices there. Not sure if there's one near Tumbler or not . . . :) Talk to you later!

The Steckly's said...

you've been tagged!! Read my blog for details

Anonymous said...

Fresh news please! I guess you are having a good summer, or a busy summer, or both...