Monday, May 21, 2007

Victoria Day Picnic

Today we went on Alexa's first picnic. She loved it, watching the fire and being out in the warm sun with family. We all had a blast!

Just a pretty pic of where we went

Grandma Patty

Ladybug, Grandma and Grandpa's little puppy

Our first family picture

Just us two

Mommy and Alexa

Daddy and Alexa

Kolten and Zachery walking down the path

The Klan minus me

Daddy pushing Alexa in the new jogging stroller

JayD, Patty and Ralph

Zachery and Kolten running back

Alexa all happy

At home after the picnic...all worn out, but still so happy

Cute Kids

These are just some pictures of our cute kidlets! We are all having so much fun together, its awesome to finally meet someone who loves me and my daughter so much, and to have someone to give all my love to as well!

We were on our way to Dawson here aren't the kids so beautiful?

Having a bbq

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Fun Day Out

Today we went to Peace Island Park to play with the kids. We had tons of fun! We picked up Zachery's cousin Kolten and let them run buck wild! Here are a few picture commemerating the day out! I can't wait until Alexa can run with the boys!

Alexa checking out the grass for the first time in her life! She really loved it!

Alexa with mommy and a cool speed boat in the background

Zachery, Kolten, Me and Alexa

Zachery, cute kid eh!?

Alexa sleepin in the car, all worn out

Zachery and Kolten playing in the sand

Alexa with Daddy

Sitting all by herself!

Daddy and Zachery coming down the slide

Kolten trying to climb a slide

Zachery and Daddy sqeezing down the curvy slide

Playing around

Took the pic and he didn't even know! hehehe

Zachery running for the park

Kolten trying to climb the spider web

Looks like fun!

"You want me to JUMP???!!!"

Peek-a-boo! See Ya Later Aligators!

Friday, May 18, 2007

My cool chic!

Alexa and I went to Tumbler and she got all pimped out with her Aunty Dakota! She is priceless! Getting big, already in size 6 month clothing!


Gonna eat the camera mom!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's been a while!

Well I am sorry that it has been so long since my last post. But I have been in Fort St John with my boy friend and his son for the past while, and I forgot my camera at home with grandpa Jason. Ooops! I will get some pictures up though soon!

I will just update you for now on how Alexa is doing! First exciting things first, SHE ROLLED OVER!!!! Yay, a milestone down in her life! It is so exciting. JayD had been helping her for a while to try and get her to roll over, then I had given her a bath and she was naked on the floor, and next thing I know she is on her tummy laughing! It was awesome! GO LEXI GO!! She has also discovered her voice, and lips and tongue. Constantly making O shapes with her lips, and giving mommy raspberries, and talking up a storm! She is crazy! She is turning into a mommy's girl, which is bad, waking up sometimes 5 times a night, and crying like somebody is murdering her when I put her down. I hope this is just a stage, and she will sleep through the night soon. Crossing every limb on my body! haha She also loves to stand, always pulling herself up when you hold her hands. Oh and did I mention how massive she is? She is in sizes 6-9 months already, most of her sleepers are too small, but I think she will start sleeping in onesies anyway due to the warm weather. Anyway, I think that is enough for now, I will put pictures up very soon! Til then!