Thursday, March 08, 2007

Horrid Needles!

Poor Alexa got her two month shots yesterday. It was the most horrible thing to go through, seeing my child in so much pain and not being able to take it away. Mommy's are supposed to soothe everything, and this new cry was so horrible I cried! I felt like a terrible mom letting her be put through so much pain, but I would rather see her go through pain for a day or two than get sick and have to be in pain for a long while! She's too precious, Mom's should have the superpower to take pain away, but noooooo, we were given the superpower to multitask, who needs to multitask when your child is in pain!? Mom's around the world, rise up and pray for the power of pain killing!

Lexi still sore and grumpy from her shots. What a face! I love her!

Finally we see the light of a smile! My angel, my life!

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Kyra just had her shots and I know exactly how you feel. The cry makes you feel like the worst mom ever! Luckily by the evening she was starting to be herself again and by the next day she was the same old Kyra. Great pics Jael!