Saturday, March 10, 2007

Something that Bernadette put together for me! The caption(just in case you can't read it!) says: "I really thought that baby food was something different!!!???? Mommy!!!!!!!!!"

Bern watches Lexi while I work sometimes, and she spends those nights in the crockpot I guess! Poor girl! haha Thanks for the adorable pic Bern!


Anonymous said...

Auntie Bern did not put Alexa in the crockpot! She photoshopped her with the help of Techno Zach. I would never get her in there, her butt is too big! I wonder where she gets that from...OOO zing! Next time missy poo, make it clear that no babies were harmed in the making of this picture!!!

Anonymous said...

You can click on the picture too, to make it bigger can't y'all?

Jael and Alexa said...

Hehe...sorry Bern! I shall make it clear next time! haha Oh and thanks for the BURN!! haha

The Steckly's said...

HaHaHaHa!! You have the best posts! I'm actually trying to steal one right now to put on my blog...please don't sue me if it works!!

The Steckly's said...

HaHaHaHa!! You have the best posts! I'm actually trying to steal one right now to put on my blog...please don't sue me if it works!!

Anonymous said...

Bern!!!!! And I always thought it really was curried lamb you were bringing me.

Get in my belly indeed!!!!!!!

Jael and Alexa said...

HAHAHA Awesome Jase, awesome!